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Portrait of Lara in a blue shirt

Lara, Senior Project Manager at the regional head office in Dubai, Region MEA

The next woman in our series, Women@ Land Transport, is Lara, Senior Project Manager at the regional head office in Dubai, Region MEA. Curtains up for her. Lara’s motto of life is, “know thyself!” As a senior project manager in the regional head office in Dubai, Lara’s responsibilities are to rollout the transport management system in the MEA countries and implement digital solutions in the region. In addition, she designs land solutions for clients, develops standard operating procedures and manuals, and reports and enhances service levels.

Know Thyself!

Portrait of Lara in a blue shirt

Lara our powerful women@Land

What makes my work within Land Transport special?
Land in MEA is a green operation with lots of opportunities and challenges, we’re building it from the ground up, and we are working on a lot of different initiatives, which makes it exciting.

What are your areas of interest/ hobbies?
Yoga, wellness, travel, and spending time with my cats. 

Please share your personal goals with us.
My goal is to serve the organization, the community, the space, and the people around me a little every day, and in the process, become a little better than who I was yesterday. Maybe one day, with a lot of hard work and a little luck, I will be part of the c-suite with P&L responsibilities. I would also like to have a family of my own, raise strong conscious and honest kids, and pursue my spiritual goals in the process.

What are your strengths? 
I have the ability to connect the dots and link different ideas together to achieve results or create more value. I think clearly and with common sense which helps me with sound decision-making abilities. I’m not afraid to ask questions or to be wrong which helps me to continually learn and grow. I’m assertive and collaborative at the same time.

If you could say only one thing to other women who are planning to take on a career in logistics or are already in logistics, what would it be? 
It’s a male dominated industry but you don’t need to be like a man to make it. You only need to be you and use your unique abilities as a woman which can include sympathy and compassion and holistic thinking to do things creatively, recognize opportunities and deliver value.

Thank you, Lara, for taking your time and stepping out in front of the curtains.