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  • Electric truck open door DB Schenker
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    • Sustenabilitate - ESG

    Next step for all-electric trucks

    All-electric trucks are heading and spreading around Europe´s land transport network. The Swedish company, Volta Trucks, takes the next step of rolling out their all-electric truck at their manufacturing facility in Steyr, Austria. The future of sustainable logistics is unveiled as the first all-electric Volta Zero pilot truck is presented. 

    A voltatruck driving around Vizionați clipul video

    “We take responsibility for emissions resulting from our fleet operations. The field test of the Volta Zero Trucks is an important milestone for Volta Trucks and for us. The feedback of our drivers and carriers will be for the series production.”

    Cyrille Bonjean / EVP Land Transport Europe, DB Schenker

    From Paris spread into Europe 

    In 2022, the Volta Zero truck was tested on the bustling streets of Paris and will now discover more cities in Europe. Several Volta Zero trucks will be operated by DB Schenker in 18 different locations, including France, Germany, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. The fleet of trucks will be used in terminals to transport goods from distribution hubs to the city centers and urban areas. This is where the vehicle’s innovative design will offer the greatest benefits: using safety-oriented cabs to protect vulnerable road users, as well as its zero-tailpipe emission drivetrain.

    Electric Truck DB Schenker
    © DB Schenker

    “DB Schenker has joined us on the journey to decarbonization, and they’ve been able to experience and see the many safety and environmental advantages that the Volta Zero will bring to urban logistics, making our cities safer and more sustainable. ”

    Essa Al-Saleh / CEO Volta Trucks

    From satisfied to electrified

    Implementing and testing the all-electric trucks is just the next step of an ambitious collaborative project. Following a successful test, DB Schenker and Volta Trucks have agreed to start the roll-out of production of 150 vehicles across Europe starting the second half of 2023. The company aims to reach carbon neutrality by 2040, and the pre-order of nearly 1500 Volta Zero trucks is a big part of fulfilling this ambitious goal.

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