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  • Ocean Freight container from above

    Contingency Adjustment Charge for Indian Sub-Continent to USA & Canada

    Following recent events in the Red Sea, steamship lines are diverting vessels via the Cape of Good Hope to protect the safety of crewmembers, cargo, and the vessel.

    An additional transit time of 2 weeks is currently estimated to result from this diversion. As a result, Steamship Lines have issued announcements of a Contingency Adjustment Charge. Please be advised of the intended NEW Contingency Adjustment Charge for all cargo from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka to the North America East and Gulf Coasts with details as follows:

    Effective January 18th, 2024
    USD 1,500 per container

    We will continue to monitor closely how the market will react to this Surcharge and will update you when there is a change.

    We appreciate your continued support as a valued customer and should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact your account manager or customer service representative.

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