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    DB Schenker plants trees on Earth Hour Day

    DB Schenker in China symbolically planted a number of trees on Chongming Island on Earth Hour Day.

    DB Schenker in China symbolically planted a number of trees on Chongming Island on Earth Hour Day.

    On March 25, 2017, Earth Hour Day, DB Schenker in China symbolically planted a number of trees on Chongming Island, an ecologically sensitive area which has been planned as a world famous eco-island for future development in Shanghai.

    Earth Hour is an event organized by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) and is held on the last Saturday of March every year. People worldwide are asked to shut off their lights and appliances for one hour to raise awareness for climate change.

    As a green logistics advocate and pioneer, we at DB Schenker are convinced that beyond economic performance environmental responsibility and conviction of acting green define our success.


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