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    Tracing made light: DB Schenker uses ultra-thin high-tech labels for shipment tracking

    Tracking hardware and battery fit in adhesive label • Technology applicable for single cartons and small consignments • Globally available for land, air and ocean transport

    Tracking technology as a sticker: DB Schenker is the first logistics provider from Europe to offer global tracking of freight shipments with the new ultra-thin tracking label by high-tech developer Sensos. The disposable label can be attached to containers, pallets, or individual cartons, enabling shipment tracking for land, air and ocean transport on a single shipment base.

    David Pollender, Product Owner Business Development IoT at DB Schenker: “Tracking technology now fits into a millimeter-thin sticker. The Sensos label is so small and lightweight that it can be used for freight of any size. In conjunction with DB Schenker’s IoT solution connect2track, it offers optimal visibility and condition monitoring of consignments. This significantly improves the existing offering for our customers and makes tracking even more flexible and secure.” 

    Aviv Castro, CEO of Sensos: “We took on the mission to disrupt the world of supply chain by delivering infinite end-to-end parcel level visibility. Our solution enables data-driven execution, optimizing logistics for various use cases. We are grateful to have DB Schenker as a design partner from the early days, and for their contribution in achieving the product market fit.” 

    The label sends real-time data about location and temperature over the mobile network. The customer receives an alert if the package is tampered with during transport. The unobtrusive design of the label increases security for valuable consignments as it does not draw attention, and the tracking remains undetected.

    The disposable label is equipped with a lithium-free battery that emits less CO2 in production than conventional batteries and achieves runtimes of up to six months despite its small size. Due to its low weight, the label consumes less energy during transportation, and return shipping is no longer necessary. 

    Cardboard box
    © DB Schenker

    DB Schenker was one of the first design partners of Sensos, a group company of the Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation, and contributed to the product offering. As part of this process, the global logistics service provider helped define requirements and tested the Sensos solution in a pilot phase with land and air freight prototypes. 

    DB Schenker’s Internet-of-Things platform connect2track enables customers to monitor a consignment’s location and condition (e.g. temperature and humidity). It offers a continuously calculated estimated time of arrival based on real-time data, increased security through opening alarms and increased efficiency through supply chain optimization.

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