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    Experience the world of logistics without travelling.

    DB Schenker is pioneering VR warehouse tours

    Exploring new technology, latest innovation or simply supporting implementations on site: first-hand experience is fundamental. In times of COVID-19, travel restrictions pose a challenge when on site presence is required. However, imagine that you could be at any DB Schenker warehouse or terminal, from wherever you are.

    Man opening a box with a Avatour VR technology inside Bekijk video

    DB Schenker recently underlined its ambition to become Front Runners in their industry by partnering with Avatour to develop a true alternative: enabling virtual warehouse tours, offering a 360° perspective with real time video.

    "The partnership with the startup Avatour offers us a new dimension of digitization in the contract logistics business. It is essential for us and our operations to stay close to our customers!"

    Todd Starbuck / EVP Business Development, Solution Design and Customer Management

    Avatour is an easily accessible digital platform, that will help us to:

    As an example, imagine each warehouse is being visited at least once per year by a delegation of 5 people, consisting of responsible experts from DB Schenker and our partners. Even if all participants of the group had to travel only domestically to reach the destination, this would already mean a total of around €3 million of travel expenses and kilograms of CO2 emissions. 

    Digital virtual tours offer unique advantages – rethink the traditional ways of visiting sites and significantly reduce the number of trips required without sacrificing the experience of physical presence and hence: support us in becoming the green logistics supplier of choice!

    Curious to try it out? Get in touch with your local contact!

    A look inside Global Contract Logistics

    • 8.000.000


    • 60


    • 725


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