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    DB Schenker buys logistics software provider Bitergo

    Vessel will be the first of its kind • Prestudy agreement signed • Strong partner network provides an innovative solution for sustainable, cost-effective shipping

    DB Schenker has bought the IT company, Bitergo. Since its founding in 2013, the software specialist has offered logistics solutions and consulting, focusing on warehousing, supply chain execution, and mobile applications.

    DB Schenker and Bitergo have closely worked together for three years. With the acquisition on May 31, Schenker strengthens its digital strategy and ventures towards cloud-based software for small and medium-sized customers. With standardized modules for supply chain technologies, the logistics service provider can serve customers’ individual requirements and respond to the increasing complexity of logistics.

    Christa Koenen, CIO/CDO of Schenker AG: “For us, Bitergo is an ideal partner that we are happy to integrate into our vision of managing the supply chain digitally and end-to-end in the future. The European market for software-as-a-service providers in logistics is highly fragmented and does not meet the requirements of all players. Furthermore, competitors have very different backgrounds, core competencies, and value propositions. This cooperation creates great synergies: DB Schenker brings the global network as well as the long-standing competence in logistics and technology. Bitergo brings experience, expertise, and a great vision."

    Andreas Trautmann, managing director of Bitergo: “DB Schenker is our preferred partner. As a global player, the logistic service provider offers us an ideal new home to continue Bitergo's positive development in recent years. For our employees, in particular, the takeover is the best outcome for the company. We can now strengthen our portfolio together and work on Bitergo's continued growth."

    About Bitergo
    Bitergo, based in Dortmund (Germany), offers comprehensive software solutions to digitalize logistics processes. The Warehouse Star brand combines various mobile apps and web interfaces for controlling supply chain inventories. It enables logistics service providers and e-commerce sellers to start a standardized software system directly via the cloud and run it at logistics locations worldwide instantly. The integrated data gateway allows easy access and interchange of electronic orders and delivery notes.

    In the future, the company will continue to serve external customers as an independent entity. The partnership with DB Schenker will push the solutions to the market and help develop new solutions more quickly and open international markets.

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