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  • 1) The party responsible for processing of personal data

    Schenker AG is the party responsible for the processing of your data. The appointed data protection officer is Mr. Maik Goehrke. If you have any questions, suggestions and/or criticism in relation to data protection, please contact: 

    Schenker AG
    Maik Goehrke
    Kruppstraße 4 
    45128 Essen


    2) Which data do we collect and why do we process the data?

    Fan pages on Social Media 
    You can find us in various social media with their own appearance. In this way, we would like to provide you with a broad, multimedia offer and exchange ideas with you on important topics for you. In addition to the respective provider of a social network, we also collect and process personal user data on fan pages. This notice also informs you of what information we collect from you on our social media appearances, how we use them, and how you may object to our use of the data. The respective data processing purposes and data categories can be found in the respective offer, which is detailed below. The activities carried out by us and described in more detail below in social media are based on a balance of interests pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR.

    A) Facebook

    On the DB Schenker Group channel, we present our company on Facebook. If you visit our fan page, Facebook Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, D2 Dublin, Ireland collects, stores and processes your personal information in accordance with its privacy policy. The privacy policy can be found here

    In addition, processing of personal data by us takes place only to a very limited extent. 
    For the purpose of the needs-oriented design and continuous optimization of our pages, we use the statistics service Facebook Insights. This service records your activity on our site and makes it available to us in anonymised statistics. This gives us insights amongst others on the activity of our fan page visitors, the clicks of our page, the range of posts, clicks and average duration of video playback, information from which countries and cities our visitors come from, as well as statistics on the gender relations of our visitors.

    Conclusions on individual users and access to individual user profiles by the administrator are not possible.

    More information about Facebook Insights can be found here.

    Regarding the processing of Insights data, there is a shared responsibility between Facebook and us. Details are provided in the Joint Controller Addendum, which you can find here.

    Facebook Ireland provides the essence of the page insights supplement to affected persons.
    In addition, we store usernames and comments that are deleted for violating the netiquette. These will only be tracked if necessary for proof of legal disputes within the limitation period.
    In addition, we do not store and process personal data about you, with the exception of an online competition. In an online competition, the winners will be publicly marked with their username and asked to contact each other within 14 days via email. The winners must send their name and address so that the prize can be sent. These data are processed by us exclusively for the purpose of processing the online competition. For the online competition the respective terms of conditions of participation apply. The e-mails with the addresses are always deleted after 30 days, as long as they are not needed beyond that for the winning notification.

    B) Instagram

    The most beautiful pictures from the media library are posted on the DB Schenker channel, showing users the work of the various business units. The focus is on ecology and sustainability, innovation and technology as well as strengthening the employer brand, with a focus on all business areas. Likewise cross-media contents are published.

    If you visit our fan page, personal data will be stored and processed by Instagram, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, D2 Dublin, Ireland as an Instagram provider in accordance with Instagram's Privacy Policy. The privacy policy can be found here.
    In addition, processing of personal data by us takes place only to a very limited extent. 

    For the purpose of the needs-oriented design and continuous optimization of our pages, we use the statistics service Instagram Insights. This service records your activity on our site and makes it available to us in anonymised statistics. This gives us insights about the interactions of our fan page visitors, the clicks of our page, the reach of posts, information about our followers' activity, as well as information from which countries and cities our visitors come from, as well as statistics on the gender relations of our visitors. Conclusions on individual users and access to individual user profiles by the administrator are not possible.

    In addition, we store usernames and comments that are deleted for violating the netiquette. These will only be tracked if necessary for proof of legal disputes within the limitation period.
    In addition, we do not store and process personal data about you, with the exception of an online competition and Fan posts. In an online competition, the winners will be publicly marked with their username and asked to contact each other within 14 days via E-Mail. The winners must send their name and address so that the prize can be sent. These data are processed by us exclusively for the purpose of processing the online competitions. For online competitions the respective terms of conditions of participation apply. The e-mails with the addresses are always deleted after 30 days, as long as they are not needed beyond that for the winning notification.

    We ask users, after we have publicly and without obligation, asked for permission to repost their pictures on the Instagram channel DB Schenker. The declaration of consent will be saved by us as a screenshot and the image as a file with details of the user. The photos and consent form will be stored as long as the photo is posted on the channel or until the consent is revoked. The reposted photo is being stored on the Instagram server for technical reasons [Facebook Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, D2 Dublin, Ireland]. A revocation is possible at any time (see below for details). In the case of cancellation, the image and the user's details are deleted immediately.

    C) Twitter

    The Twitter channel @DBSchenker is used for events, press and public relations on all topics of our company.
    If you visit our Channel, which stores and processes Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA, as the operator of Twitter personal information, to the extent described in the Privacy Policy. 

    The privacy policy can be found here.

    In addition, we do not store and process personally identifiable information about you. Just in case you send us a direct message, the user name will be saved.

    In addition, we store usernames and comments that are deleted for violating the netiquette. These will only be tracked if necessary for proof of legal disputes within the limitation period.

    3) Are data disclosed to third parties?

    For the provision of our offer usually the involvement of instruction-dependent processors is required, such as data center operators, printing or shipping service providers or other parties. 
    External service providers who process data for us on behalf of us are carefully selected by us and contractually strictly committed. The service providers work according to our instructions, which is ensured by strict contractual arrangements, by technical and organizational measures and by additional controls.
    Moreover, your data will only be transmitted if you have given us an express consent or as a result of statutory provisions.
    We point out that when processing through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter data of users may be processed outside the territory of the European Union. This may result in risks for the users because e.g. enforcement of user rights could be made more difficult. For details, please refer to the privacy policy of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. With respect to US providers certified under the Privacy Shield, we point out that they are committed to upholding the EU's privacy standards.
    We do not transfer data to third countries outside the EU / EEA or to an international organization unless there are adequate safeguards. These include the EU standard contractual clauses and an adequacy decision by the European Commission.

    4) When will your data be deleted?

    If we have collected personal data from you, we only store it for as long as it is necessary for the fulfillment of the purpose for which it was collected (eg in the context of a contractual relationship) or if this is provided for by law. Thus, we save your data in the framework of a contractual relationship at least until the complete termination of the contract. Subsequently, the data will be kept for the duration of the statutory retention period.

    5) What rights do users have?

    To exercise your rights, send an email to: dataprotection@dbschenker.com

    With regard to data processing on social networks, we recommend that you respond to requests such as : for information or other questions about user rights, to apply directly to the respective social network for a cancellation request, since only Facebook, Instagram, Twitter have full access to your user data. If you no longer wish to use the data processing described here in the future, by using the functions "I do not like this page anymore" and / or "Unsubscribe from this page" you can unblock your user profile from our site.

    With regard to the processing of personal data via the service "Insights" offered by Facebook, Facebook has assumed the primary responsibility. This concerns the processing of Insights data and the implementation of the data subject rights. Therefore, please contact Facebook directly regarding all obligations under the GDPR with regard to the processing of Insights data. We will forward your inquiries to us on Facebook.

    6) New functions, updating of the Privacy Policy

    We adapt the privacy policy to changed functionalities or changed legal situations. Therefore, we recommend that you read the privacy policy at regular intervals. If your consent is required or parts of the privacy policy contain provisions of the contractual relationship with you, the changes will only be made with your consent.

    Updated: 20.12.2018

    Consimțământ cu privire la utilizarea fișierelor Cookie și la colectarea datelor

    Pentru îmbunătățirea experienței utilizatorilor și pentru optimizarea continuă a website-ului nostru, folosim fișiere de tip cookie. În acest sens, website-ul nostru utilizează, printre altele, și Adobe Analytics. Prin continuarea navigării pe website-ul nostru confirmați acceptarea utilizării fişierelor de tip cookie. Pentru mai multe informații cu privire la fișierele de tip cookie și la modul în care puteți opta pentru dezactivarea acestora, vă rugăm să accesați politica de confidențialitate.

  • Cookies and tracking scripts

    Noi ne dorim să vă oferim posibilitatea de a lua o decizie informată în ceea ce privește utilizarea sau blocarea fișierelor de tip cookie, fișiere care nu sunt necesare pentru a asigura funcționalitatea tehnică a website-ului. Fișierele de tip cookie sunt mici fișiere text în care pot fi stocate date personale.

    Politica noastră de confidențialitate are ca scop informarea corectă și completă a utilizatorilor website-ului cu privire la colectarea și procesarea datelor, inclusiv prin utilizarea fișierelor de tip cookie, astfel încât utilizatorii să poată lua o decizie informată corespunzător. În orice caz, setările fișierelor de tip cookie pot fi modificate în orice moment.

    Pentru mai multe informații vă rugăm să accesați politica de confidențialitate a datelor.