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  • Three people standing in front of a board

    You Belong Here

    A sense of belonging doesn’t happen by chance. It’s an intentional effort that we take pride in by empowering you to be you. Colleagues become family when they feel valued and understood. Our desire is to create a space where you can be as authentic at work as you are at home.

    Creating Inclusive Workplaces

    We are passionate about building a diverse and inclusive culture. With our Game Changers community, our Sounding Board and targeted D&I events, campaigns and activities, we want to give you a voice.

    • group of people sitting at a conference table
      Living Diversity of Thought

      For diversity and inclusion to take place, it must be a daily practice. We have created a community of Game Changers. This is a platform for us to collaborate, exchange and learn from each other across the organization. There are also monthly calls and webinars where we connect and challenge ourselves to take our colleagues and company to the next level.

    • Group of people talking
      Raise your voice

      We started the Sounding Board program to help us get a mix of insightful views from our millennial employees. 10 to 14 young people from across the company collaborate with different project owners on diverse projects to help us make strategic decisions. So, if you’re young and passionate, get ready to be heard. 

    Developing Our People for the Future

    We understand that learning is a powerful way to grow a diverse and inclusive work culture. It allows our people to identify similarities that connect them and embrace each other's differences.

    • Four young employees in a warehouse
      Let the games begin

      We take diversity and inclusion goals seriously, but we can still have fun on our journey there. Created by our Swedish colleagues, our Diversity Board Game encourages players to talk openly about various topics related to equality, disability, cultural differences and discrimination. Players engage in practical dilemmas that they need to discuss with their fellow players. 

    • Two women with vests and helmets in a warehouse
      When you know better, you do better

      Bias is human nature. But with quality education, we can change that because you and the rest of the team deserve to be treated with respect. Our unconscious bias drives decision-making and influences our interactions with others. We offer various learning and development opportunities to tackle your unconscious bias and work on your own blind spots.

    Driving Gender Equity At Work

    Women are a real asset to any company. With our gender diversity target and respective female development programs and initiatives, we advocate for the presence of more females in our organization and in leadership positions.

    • Woman in a yellow shirt talking to someone
      Lifting up women of the future

      Gender equality is not about ticking boxes. To us, it is about building an authentic connection with our female employees and using that knowledge to fuel their future. We do this by having interactive discussions with our female talents around their strengths, career aspirations and development opportunities.

    • Two women talking in the office
      Tap into the power of women

      “When women support each other, incredible things happen.” That’s more than a saying to us. It is something we live by. We have a program where our ten most promising female talents reflect, engage, and connect with other female leaders from all over the globe, across different companies and industries. The aim is to enrich their minds, discover innovative ideas and build strong networks.

    • Two men and a women talking in the office
      The future of leadership is equal

      The increase in female leader representation will not happen unless we are intentional about it. That is why we have mentorship programs that support women in their career development and boost leadership skills. They also learn goal achievement, reflection, networking, change in perceptions, and articulation of career ambitions. 

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