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  • Resurse Umane


    Mexico City, Mexic
    Career Level
    Specialist cu experienta
    Tip de angajare, Tip de muncă
    Full time
    Data publicării, număr ID
    , 325078

    Activitățile dumneavoastră

    Role Summary:
    Responsible for providing prompt and consistent analytical support for HRIS systems within the organization.


    Principal Responsibilities:

    (The following is intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed. It is not an exhaustive list of all expectations.):

    Use company policies and procedures to resolve routine P&O issues

    * Responsible for analyzing, amending, and implementing proactive activities, procedures, and plans related to Workforce Administration and Support

    * Communicate WFA practices and policies to partners within other functions and to management

    * Assistance with basic analysis to more senior P&O professionals and recommends solutions based on such analysis

    * Responsible for creating and maintaining WFA reports and manual efforts

    * Maintain and support the HRIS system, assist with training and troubleshooting issues related to the system

    * Maintain ServiceNow queue and route requests to the correct department and escalate when needed

    * Assist with administration and support for P&O level programs, projects, and initiatives

    The individual in this position must be capable of performing all of the essential functions with or without a reasonable accommodation


    • Attention to Detail. Role will require supporting with: the review of documentation, support with ensuring invoicing procedures are followed and that deviations or potential issues are communicated to Leaders.
    • Proficient in English, written and verbal skills. The role will require the employee to collaborate with different team members at different levels in the organization and draft and review communications and content that will be sent out to the Region or Cluster.
    • Proficient in Excel, PowerPoint, Teams and Word; along with ability to learn new systems. This role will require manipulation of data in Excel, managing Teams pages, and drafting documents in Word. Additionally, the employee in the role will work in different systems to complete one's daily activities.
    • Ability to decompose work and organize tasks appropriately. No project experience is needed, but helpful. The role will require the employee to walk through tasks with team members and assist with determining the order of next steps.

    Oferta noastră

    DB Schenker es el proveedor líder global de servicios de logística. Respaldamos a la industria y el comercio en el intercambio global de mercancías a través del transporte terrestre, el transporte aéreo y marítimo internacional, la logística de contratos y la gestión de la cadena de suministro

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    Politica noastră de confidențialitate are ca scop informarea corectă și completă a utilizatorilor website-ului cu privire la colectarea și procesarea datelor, inclusiv prin utilizarea fișierelor de tip cookie, astfel încât utilizatorii să poată lua o decizie informată corespunzător. În orice caz, setările fișierelor de tip cookie pot fi modificate în orice moment.

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