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    General Motors Names DB Schenker a 2022 Supplier of the Year

    DB Schenker recognized by General Motors • 2022 Supplier of the Year in the category of Inbound Material

    General Motors recognized DB Schenker as a 2022 Supplier of the Year. GM celebrated honorees at its 31st annual Supplier of the Year event in San Antonio, Texas, earlier this week. 

    GM’s Supplier of the Year award recognizes global suppliers that distinguish themselves by exceeding GM’s requirements, in turn providing customers with innovative technologies and among the highest quality in the automotive industry. 

    "We are honored to receive this recognition from General Motors," said DB Schenker Americas CEO, Michael Fahy. "We are proud of our strong partnership with GM and our ability to support its global supply chain operations with a focus on inbound material delivery. This recognition is a testament to our commitment to delivering high-quality logistics solutions and services to our customers."

    "We are thrilled to recognize these outstanding suppliers after yet another challenging year in the automotive industry," said Jeff Morrison, GM vice president of Global Purchasing and Supply Chain. "They overcame countless obstacles and exemplified what it means to be resilient, resourceful and determined. Beyond that, these suppliers demonstrated their commitment to sustainable innovation and to driving advanced solutions in collaboration with the GM team."

    Each year, GM’s Supplier of the Year recipients are selected by a global, cross-functional GM team for their performance in criteria such Product Purchasing, Global Purchasing and Manufacturing Services, Customer Care and Aftersales and Logistics.

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