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    Green warehouse DLC 3 opens its doors – DB Schenker continues its growth in the Middle East and Africa

    DB Schenker, one of the world’s leading logistics service providers has announced today the opening of its next renewable-powered mega hub DLC 3 in Dubai.

    DB Schenker, one of the world’s leading logistics service providers has announced today the opening of its next renewable-powered mega hub DLC 3 in Dubai.  After the opening of the warehouses DLC 1 in 2016 and DLC 2 in 2019, this third hub successfully concludes the company's expansion phase in the UAE, offering a total capacity of 200,000 Euro pallets. DLC 3 is a 35,000 square meters. warehouse, fully powered with solar energy. 

    The inauguration was attended by HE Khalifa Al Zaffin, Executive Chairman of Dubai Aviation City Corporation and Dubai South; Christian Drenthen, Board Member – Land Transport and Contract Logistics of DB Schenker; Christopher Smith, CEO of DB Schenker in Middle East and Africa; Mohsen Ahmad, CEO of the Logistics District - Dubai South; and Ako Djaf, VP Contract Logistics and SCM of DB Schenker in Middle East and Africa; among other senior executives from both companies.

    DLC 3 is temperature-controlled and offers total space for 90,000 Euro pallets. It provides warehousing solutions for different industries including dangerous goods storage and B2C e-commerce delivery services, leveraging its ideal connectivity to land, sea, and air freight transportation modes. It also has a 5,000 square meter mezzanine floor exclusively designed for various value-added service activities. 

    As with the second facility, the new centre will further cement our sustainability commitment and agenda, and the construction of this expansive green logistics centre will elevate our capacity and network. During the construction, a conscious choice was made to apply new environmental-friendly technologies and select sustainable building materials that helped avoid producing 5 tons of CO2 emissions. Additionally, the solar systems installed at the facility provide the full energy demand of the 74,000 square meters of warehouse space and 5,000 square meters of office buildings, saving 4000 Tons of CO2 emissions annually, equivalent to planting over 400,000 trees.

    In his comments, Ako Djaf, VP Contract Logistics and SCM of DB Schenker in Middle East and Africa, said: “The three-phase growth plan we established in 2015 was an important strategic decision. All three facilities, DLC 1, 2, and 3, are in proximity to Al Maktoum International Airport and Jabel Ali Port, one of the most important transportation hubs globally. Today we observe the outstanding success of these developments, which made DB Schenker become a leading logistics service provider in the MEA region. We are a frontrunner in sustainability and innovative technologies and can provide our customers with unique warehousing solutions for a variety of industries like consumer, automotive, industrial, and luxury products in fashion and accessories. This makes us the first choice for top tier customers.”

    Mohsen Ahmad, CEO of the Logistics District - Dubai South, commented: “DB Schenker’s new facility will strengthen the entire ecosystem of the Logistics District, thanks to its innovative solutions, excellent services, and best sustainable practices, all of which are a testament to its progressive business strategy. We will spare no effort to consolidate DB Schenker’s prominence and offer advisory council on sustainable logistics in line with the UAE Net-Zero 2050 strategic initiative. Global and regional players benefit from Dubai South’s customer-centric processes and the seamless, multimodal connectivity between road, air and sea transportation."

    DB Schenker in the Middle East and Africa region facilitates the market entry of many international companies to expand their footprints across the globe in this high-potential market and gateway to Africa. This makes the company one of the fastest-growing logistics service providers in the region expanding the total area of its operating logistics centres by more than 325,000 square meters in the past seven years. 

    For more information on our warehousing solutions or for business inquires, please write to us at wemovemea@dbschenker.com.

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