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  • DB Schenker is driving warehouse automation in Sweden
    • Novice
    • Pametna logistika
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    DB Schenker is driving warehouse automation in Sweden

    DB Schenker has implemented AutoStore in order to optimize logistics solutions for e-commerce customers • Logistics center in Gothenburg offers unique flexibility for sustainable omnichannel solutions.

    DB Schenker has successfully implemented AutoStore, an automated goods-to-person system, in order to improve logistics for MQ Marqet, a leading retailer for high-quality fashion in Sweden. The automated online order fulfillment and returns handling solution, which operates in Gothenburg, sets the bar for sustainable and agile logistics and will strengthen DB Schenker's position in e-commerce.

    “Knowing which innovative technologies can be applied is important,” says Ingo Brauckmann, Executive Vice President Contract Logistics/SCM Europe at DB Schenker. “However, mastering the implementation of the latest technology is absolutely crucial because that’s how we can add real value to our customers’ business.”

    The automated storage and retrieval system uses warehouse robots to deliver and retrieve bins for operators. It runs on intelligent software that is linked to DB Schenker's warehouse management system. The overall solution also includes a sorting plant and a section for hanging garments – i.e. for e-commerce and store-replenishment operations at MQ Marqet.

    “We are very happy to serve MQ Marqet in our modern automated logistics center,” says Håkan Nydén, CEO Schenker Logistics AB and Head of Contract Logistics, DB Schenker in Sweden & Denmark. “Our innovative solution is expandable and makes us agile in terms of accommodating customer growth and managing multiple customers from the fast-growing B2C market. At the same time, it saves space and makes for a more ergonomic working environment.”

    AutoStore is part of DB Schenker's e-commerce portfolio, which is targeted at customers with extensive online business operations that are looking to achieve significant efficiency gains. Investment in the automation of inventory management underscores DB Schenker’s ambition to shape the future of modern omnichannel retail operations both online and in-store.

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