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    DB Schenker receives exclusive adidas signature sneaker for anniversary

    Global employee challenge in the logistics company’s jubilee year • Limited adidas sneaker edition in DB Schenker branding • Exclusive to company employees • support for charity projects

    Global employee challenge in the logistics company’s jubilee year • Limited adidas sneaker edition in DB Schenker branding • Exclusive to company employees • support for charity projects  

    Run-up spirit for 150 years: In 2022, DB Schenker celebrates its 150th corporate jubilee. Under the umbrella theme “150 Years Elevating Lives” the anniversary year features a challenge which motivates employees and their families and friends worldwide to count their steps and track any physical and mental activities. So far, around 70 million kilometers have been collected via a dedicated smartphone app. As an anniversary gift, all registered colleagues will receive a pair of the exclusive adidas sneakers in the brand colors of DB Schenker. 

    Jochen Thewes, CEO of DB Schenker, takes on the competition himself, challenging employees worldwide to compete with him in various activities. He states: “We are currently running the company’s greatest fitness exercise ever. I am very proud of our team all around the world. Since January, we have already circled the globe more than 1,750 times since January. With our own signature running sneaker, each DB Schenker colleague will receive yet another incentive to make every move count.”

    A person is holding a smartphone which displays the Leading the way challenge app.
    Schenker employees enter their accumulated kilometers in an app / © DB Schenker

    Already ahead of the anniversary year, a sneaker model from the adidas Supernova collection was selected and customized with the adidas design team. The limited DB Schenker shoe edition features the logistic company’s brand colors and logo on the latch. It is mostly produced from recycled plastics.  

    The following video shows how the high-quality footwear is currently being distributed:

    Shoe Delivery Video

    Glejte video

    Shoe Delivery Video

    For all body and mind fitness achievements of its employees counted in 2022, DB Schenker donates to selected charitable organizations related to the company’s commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. For the first quarter of the year, donations will be given to WeForest, to help forest conservation projects and social initiatives in Brazil and Ethiopia. For the second quarter, the collected money goes to Ocean Conservancy, supporting science-based solutions for healthier oceans. The climate protection non-profit organization atmosfair is the selected charitable cause for the third quarter. The partner for the fourth quarter of the year will be announced soon.  

    A group of DB Schenker employees in sport outfits standing taking a group photo
    DB Schenker employees around the world collect kilometers for a good / © DB Schenker

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