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A group of workers talking to each other

Det handler om deg

Velkommen til din globale informasjonsplattform. En plattform som fokuserer på deg, dine behov og vår dedikerte støtte til deg. 

Enten er du helt ny i DB Schenker eller har jobbet her noen år: Vi vil støtte deg for å hente ut det beste i deg – fordi du er vårt største aktiva!

Ansatte i frontlinjen

Two men in yellow vest, standing in a warehouse shaking hands and smiling

Our Strategy

Med vår UNLEASH-strategi fortsetter vi reisen vår og foredler den mer presist enn noen gang. Vi streber alltid etter å holde tritt, forme fremtiden vår fra en styrkeposisjon og opprettholde langsiktig suksess.
Our Strategy Finn ut mer
Two workers talking in a warehouse

Resilience & Well-being

Resilience & Well-being is as diverse & broad as our world, still our mental & emotional health are weighing in strongest to it. We wish to support you in your well-being - personal and at work. So we have collected some tips & tricks around mental and emotional health for you.
Resilience & Well-being Finn ut mer
Two female workers in a warehouse


Hello Team-Mate! Welcome to the team. We are happy to support you in your onboarding journey. Click below to find out more!
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Two workers talking to each other in a warehouse


We live our company values and we love to celebrate our culture and teammates. We also take care of the environment, have high standards on diversity and inclusion and improve in the areas of innovation and digitalization.
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