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    Legally Speaking, This Is an Amazing Opportunity

    As a company that connects globally, we come across different market regulations and legal challenges every day. That's why reliable and foresighted guidance is essential for our organization. Our legal department is like the pilot that guides us in sometimes unchartered waters. They help us navigate through international and local laws while keeping all our teams updated and well-advised.

    And there’s more, they provide thorough counsel on customer and supplier contracts to empower our local offices with the knowledge necessary to ensure smooth operations. 

    With the legal department by our side, our logistics teams stay on the right track and keep delivering exceptional services to our customers no matter where they might be. Join our legal team today and support us managing legal risks, protecting our business interests, and providing legal advice around the world. 

    Are you ready to go legal?

    Guiding your colleagues, consulting them on how to stay on the right track, and protecting maneuvering space – if this is what you love doing, then the legal department is for you.

    Woman with glasses in casual business attire sitting in an office environment smiling into camera

    Every day comes with new opportunities and challenges, and with us, you get to take it head-on. Join our family of more than 72,700 colleagues worldwide. With us, you will:

    • Provide legal advice across a global business
    • Be one step ahead by understanding and guiding on recent statutory and policy changes
    • Communicate with a diverse team around the world
    • Practice your legal expertise with a world leading company
    • Gain experience of working as a subject matter expert and build a strong portfolio

    Selected Job Offers

    • Alexandria, New South Wales, Austrália

      Compliance & Privacy Officer - ANZ

      Právne záležitosti
      Odborníci, Full time

      Zobraziť pozíciu
    • Vienna, Rakúsko

      Legal Expert (m/w/d)

      Právne záležitosti
      Odborníci, Full time

      Zobraziť pozíciu
    • Montaigu, Pays de la Loire, Francúzsko


      Právne záležitosti
      Odborníci, Full time

      Zobraziť pozíciu
    • Vienna, Rakúsko

      Legal Expert (m/w/d)

      Právne záležitosti
      Odborníci, Full time

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