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  • Young DB SCHENKER employee driving a forklift in a warehouse
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    Our Apprenticeships are Where You Start Today for Meaningful Career Development

    This is where it all starts. This is where experts and leaders are made, and diamonds like you are polished. This is where you get your foot in the door and get an insider’s look into the world of logistics as we know it. 

    If you ever wondered how we live in such a vibrant community with goods and supplies from every corner of the world. If you ever wondered how at the press of a button from your phone you can have goods on your doorstep within a few hours. If you ever wondered, “how far can I go?” then you should take a closer look at our apprenticeships. 

    Apprentices are the best way for you to gain first experience and have a better career tomorrow. Get up, get going, and leverage your time and energy to make an impact on your career.

    We offer apprenticeships in different departments including freight forwarding and logistics, land transport, warehouse logistics, office management, drivers, plant mechanics and engineering.

    We believe that this is the right place for you to begin. Apply straight away, spread your wings, and steer your career in the right direction with us. 

    Are you ready to do this?

    We strongly believe in having fun and learning together.

    That’s why we keep things as vibrant and happening as possible. We do this by bringing in ambitious talents through our apprenticeship positions!

    Whether you’re exploring your options or looking to get a unique opportunity with one of the world leaders in the transport and logistics industry, this apprenticeship is for you. 

    While working with us, you will get a chance to:


    Do you have any questions about an open job position? 

    Schenker AG 
    Kruppstraße 4
    45128 Essen
    Phone: +49 201-8781-5525

    Selected Job Offers

    • Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, Francúzsko

      Alternance - commerce H/F

      Cestná preprava
      Apprenticeship, Full time

      Zobraziť pozíciu
    • Contern, Luxembursko

      Ausbildung zum Kaufmann für Spedition und Logistikdienstleistungen (m/w/d)

      Cestná preprava
      Apprenticeship, Full time

      Zobraziť pozíciu
    • Nürnberg, Bayern, Nemecko

      Ausbildung: Kaufmann für Spedition und Logistikdienstleistung (w/m/d) 2025

      Cestná preprava
      Apprenticeship, Full time

      Zobraziť pozíciu
    • Nürnberg, Bayern, Nemecko

      Ausbildung: Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik (w/m/d) 2025

      Apprenticeship, Full time

      Zobraziť pozíciu
    • Nürnberg, Bayern, Nemecko

      Ausbildung: Fachlagerist (w/m/d) 2025

      Apprenticeship, Full time

      Zobraziť pozíciu
    • Soltau-Fallingbostel, Niedersachsen, Nemecko

      Ausbildung: Kaufmann für Büromanagement (w/m/d) 2025

      Kontraktná logistika / SCM
      Apprenticeship, Full time

      Zobraziť pozíciu
    • Hamburg, Nemecko

      Ausbildung: Kaufmann für Spedition und Logistikdienstleistung (w/m/d) 2025

      Námorná preprava
      Apprenticeship, Full time

      Zobraziť pozíciu
    • Nice, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Francúzsko

      Alternant Conducteur-Livreur H/F - Nice

      Cestná preprava
      Apprenticeship, Full time

      Zobraziť pozíciu
    • St. Pölten, Lower Austria, Rakúsko

      Ausbildung zum Speditionskaufmann m/w/d

      Ľudské zdroje
      Apprenticeship, Full time

      Zobraziť pozíciu

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