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    Ocean Freight Experts

    Sail Away to a Dream Career in Ocean Freight

    With a growing population on the planet, ocean freight is the most essential mode to the world’s economy due to low costs for transport and its
    efficient, yet most sustainable maritime operation to bridge distances. Over 90% of worldwide trade is shipped via ocean – from raw material to finished goods, in full containers, in less than container loads or break bulk.
    Are you ready to think global and act flexible, making a positive impact to the global ocean supply chain?

    For us there is no challenge too big in the complex ocean world. We find solutions every day, everywhere. That is what makes us stand proud amongst
    the world’s largest logistic companies.

    Now, imagine you with us – accomplish things with us, become a valuable contributor in this dynamic, high performing team. Imagine your career growing with us. Make a difference and apply with us to our open opportunities today.

    Are you ready to do this?

    Have you been looking for opportunities that challenge you?

    Do you like to connect with people from all over the world? Do you like to think outside the box to move the boxes?

    Do you want to better yourself professionally? Are you looking for a career that paves the way for future growth? If yes, then you're in the right place.

    Man in business shirt in a lounge chair with mobile phone in hand, laughing

    In our ocean freight department, you get to experience that and more. Here are some of the benefits of working with us:

    • Mastering new challenges together with your teammates
    • Building a career for yourself
    • Working with an amazing international and diverse team
    • Growing as part of a global ocean freight operation
    • Being part of a community that strives for environmental responsible and sustainable commercial environments

    Selected Job Offers

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